Monday, 11 July 2011

there once was a man from shoreditch,
who wore vintage gear to appear kitsch,
he hung around brick lane,
where they all looked the same,
and the last line is up to you.
Oh dear.  I have broken a bone.  My dog n bone phone.  Phones are, of course now in 2011, what people in the furure will find us buried with.  The fossilised equivalent feature of the pentadactyl-limb which proved Darwins theory of Evolution correct.  As important in seperating us ape-derived humans from other species as the aposable thumb that led the apes away to victory over other, less advanced species.

The veritable effigy of our population- an iron tool to the iron-age - an iphone to our telecommunication age.  Our 'phoney' technological age; which sees us living with our 'phoney' mates on Facebook - each individual facebook account our own individual testament.  Our very own Holy Book.  Our personalised Yellow Pages.  The Age of the Dearth of the Individual, replaced by a technological whole, where we connect online, I think of as a new kind of Indivigilante, if you get my meaning.

So it's more than a trifle that I can't personally stop these electronic devices from collapsing and breaking around me.  Is it my fault for putting too much emphasis on them?  If I had bothered to back-up all of my contacts into an address book, then the whole issue of losing numbers would not be such a bonfire of shit.  It is I, who is the problem, in being too reliant on these little devices, and not seeing how they can exist in combination to the real world.  Perhaps.

But I am sure the moniker, 'The Iphone is not just for Christmas, it's for up until next Christmas, when the next version of the Iphone comes to point of sale" which is the problem.  The paradigm shift of us as a population becoming a more wasteful bunch of humans.  Churning out and getting rid, and filling-up and backing-up.

The eery thing about this attitude - The disposable, the deleting of texts, the eradication of emails and communications between people in order to allow for more techno traffic to come in without blocking-up our second brains' memory, THIS is deceptive in the grand shceme of things.